go vote
I was thinking, as I cast my vote this morning, that I would really rather vote for a party that puts the right of the individual first. We really only have one “right”, the right to be left alone or not interfered with. The rest of what people call “rights” are claims we make against the state or each other.
I know that there will always be folks who need help, and the government should be there to help them. But one problem with traditional parties is that they have ceased to treat people as individuals and instead, lump us into groups of some description or other. Even if we need grouping to make administration easier, the laws that do the grouping must be drafted with the individual in mind. And the best government level to deal with the actual helping of the individual is municipal.
Let’s look at a statute that at first glance, would appear to be the antithesis of individuality - the Income Tax Act. If ever a statute put people into groups it would be that one, organizing people according to their income. However, each individual is examined as an individual and files a return individually and that’s what I mean about drafting a statute with an individual in mind. Of course, it isn’t a statute that is designed to help people.
I’ll obviously have to think about this some more.
I know that there will always be folks who need help, and the government should be there to help them. But one problem with traditional parties is that they have ceased to treat people as individuals and instead, lump us into groups of some description or other. Even if we need grouping to make administration easier, the laws that do the grouping must be drafted with the individual in mind. And the best government level to deal with the actual helping of the individual is municipal.
Let’s look at a statute that at first glance, would appear to be the antithesis of individuality - the Income Tax Act. If ever a statute put people into groups it would be that one, organizing people according to their income. However, each individual is examined as an individual and files a return individually and that’s what I mean about drafting a statute with an individual in mind. Of course, it isn’t a statute that is designed to help people.
I’ll obviously have to think about this some more.