another internet meme*
Found via Cathy's World commentors:
Four jobs you've had in your life: (Early): drapery store clerk (mall retail), stats collector at a hospital, library clerk (shelf reader), sewed soft furnishings for the home. (Late): legislative assistant to an MP, researcher for a political party, college teacher, lawyer.
Four movies you could watch over and over: Witness, Groundhog Day, Laura, Aliens (there are a LOT more).
Four places you've lived: London England, SHAPE Belgium, Fort Lee Virginia, Quebec City.
Four TV shows you love to watch: House, Bones, Lost, Jeopardy.
Four places you've been on vacation: Barbados, PEI, Myrtle Beach, NYC.
Four websites you visit daily: Lileks, Dooce, Bourque, OH in NY.
Four of your favorite foods: Anything with vinegar on it, shrimp with the red horseradish 'cocktail' sauce - actually, just the sauce (oh, right that has vinegar in it), pizza, red wine.
Four places you'd rather be: London, Barbados, Chesapeake Bay, anywhere on a bicycle.
* A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
Four jobs you've had in your life: (Early): drapery store clerk (mall retail), stats collector at a hospital, library clerk (shelf reader), sewed soft furnishings for the home. (Late): legislative assistant to an MP, researcher for a political party, college teacher, lawyer.
Four movies you could watch over and over: Witness, Groundhog Day, Laura, Aliens (there are a LOT more).
Four places you've lived: London England, SHAPE Belgium, Fort Lee Virginia, Quebec City.
Four TV shows you love to watch: House, Bones, Lost, Jeopardy.
Four places you've been on vacation: Barbados, PEI, Myrtle Beach, NYC.
Four websites you visit daily: Lileks, Dooce, Bourque, OH in NY.
Four of your favorite foods: Anything with vinegar on it, shrimp with the red horseradish 'cocktail' sauce - actually, just the sauce (oh, right that has vinegar in it), pizza, red wine.
Four places you'd rather be: London, Barbados, Chesapeake Bay, anywhere on a bicycle.
* A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.